
SDSU NMR Scheduler

All NMR users must reserve time using the online NMR Scheduler prior to utilizing the equipment.

Step 1: Access the NMR Scheduler

Step 2: Create your account. Your username should be the same (or similar) to your NMR login ID that you use for accessing the instruments.

Step 3: After registering your account, inform NMR Manager of your scheduler account information so you can be granted scheduling access on instruments for which you are trained.
Step 4: Navigate to the Schedules page and select the relevant Schedule from the drop-down menu.  Default schedule is 400 & 500 Day.

  • 400 & 500 Daytime — 8am – 6pm, 15 minute time blocks
  • 400 & 500 Nighttime — 6pm – 8am following day, 30 minute time blocks
  • Bruker 600 — Separate reservation calendar for the NMR600

Step 5: Select an available time block for your reservation

Step 6: Check Begin and End times, then hit Create