The San Diego State University NMR Facility is a core instrumentation facility operating under Chemistry and Biochemistry Department at SDSU, located on the second floor of the Chemical Sciences Laboratory building, room CSL-225.
Scheduling Time
All trained users must reserve spectrometer time using the online scheduling calendar, accessed here. If you do not yet have scheduling access, please follow instructions on the Scheduler page.
Currently there are 4 NMR Spectrometers on site:
- 400 MHz Varian VNMRS: Primary workhorse instrument for routine 1D and 2D liquids NMR needs. Equipped with an autosampler for overnight usage
- 400 MHz Bruker Avance NEO Nanobay: Another workhorse instrument for routine liquids NMR needs for department researchers and undergraduate courses.
- 500 MHz Varian VNMRS: Overflow walkup instrument for routine NMR needs, and instrument of choice for experiments that take longer than 15 minutes.
- 600 MHz Bruker Avance III HD: Primarily used for high-resolution and advanced liquids NMR experiments, and also for routine and advanced solid-state NMR.
All users must be properly trained and approved by NMR Staff prior to independently using the NMR equipment. The training procedure is as follows:
- New users should visit the New User Training page and watch the Training videos. If the page is password protected. Ask NMR Staff or lab-mates for the password.
- After watching training videos, take the NMR Orientation / Safety / Training quiz. Be sure to create your NMR Scheduler account before / during the quiz.
- When steps 1 and 2 have been completed, send NMR Staff an email (or visit in person) to schedule time for hands-on training.
NMR Analytical Services for Industry
The SDSU NMR Facility regularly collaborates with local industry. Due to our simple fee-for-service setup, local companies without in-house NMR equipment regularly request NMR analytical services from SDSU. Common requests include: routine 1H and 13C spectra, common 2D data COSY, HSQC, HMBC, H2BC, NOESY, ROESY. Additionally, in many cases we collect data on X nuclei including 31P, 19F, 11B, 29Si, etc.
Solid-state NMR capabilities can be made available to industry users in some situations, however SDSU research projects take priority. If you are interested in solid-state NMR data, you may need to be patient depending on instrument availability!
If you or your company are interested in NMR Analytical Services at San Diego State University, please reach out to the NMR Facility Director Dr. David Onofrei – chem-nmr@sdsu.edu. Please include company name and a brief description of services requested, and we will reply shortly with a cost estimate. Current rates for industry users: $80/hr for routine work, minimum 1/2 hour. Discounts are applied for long experiments. Experiments are performed in-house by NMR staff, and a report will sent to the requestor via email.
Department Gas and Liquid Nitrogen orders are handled by Laura Cervini. Orders must be placed every MONDAY for Wednesday delivery.
Link to order gas and LN2:
Link to view status of order: